St. Louis Malpractice Attorney Protecting Victims of Birth Injuries in Missouri

Dedicated representation of mothers, babies and their families

The Guirl Law Firm is exclusively dedicated to helping victims of personal injury and medical malpractice. Our lawyer represents mothers, babies and their families throughout St. Louis in cases involving negligent prenatal care, labor, delivery and birth. With more than 38 years of litigation experience, we hold the obstetricians, doctors, nurses and hospitals that harmed you or your baby responsible for your losses.

Injuries to mothers during delivery

Advances in medical technology have significantly reduced injuries sustained during pregnancy and childbirth. However, mothers face risks if they are not provided with the high level of care available in St. Louis hospitals. At the Guirl Law Firm, our lawyer holds your doctors responsible for injuries sustained because of:

  • Undiagnosed eclampsia
  • Undetected gestational diabetes
  • Oligohydramnios and polyhydramnios
  • Uterine rupture during vaginal birth after Cesarean (VBAC)
  • Anesthesiology and epidural errors
  • Infections
  • C-section mistakes
  • Nerve damage as a result of poorly-performed episiotomy
  • Hysterectomy linked to obstetrical error

How doctors can prevent birth defects

Doctors can prevent serious birth defects by providing appropriate prenatal care and exercising precautions during delivery. Yet medical malpractice continues to cause preventable, devastating birth injuries. Our attorney recovers compensation for your child in cases involving:

  • Folic acid deficiency — According to the March of Dimes, sufficient folic acid during your pregnancy decreases your baby’s risk of developing neural tube defect (NTD) — such as spina bifida and anencephaly. Your obstetrician should regularly check your levels of folate and advise you on ingesting the correct vitamin dosages.
  • Radiation exposure — Because your fetus’s exposure to radiation can cause birth defects, your doctors, dentists and lab technicians have a duty to inquire about your pregnancy status before performing diagnostic tests that involve radiation.
  • Dangerous pharmaceuticals — The adage that you are eating for two applies to pharmaceuticals as well. Because a fetus is exposed to every drug a pregnant mother takes, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has instituted a rating system for determining risk of harm of each medication to the developing fetus. Your doctors and pharmacists can be held liable for failing to abide by FDA guidelines for prescribing and filling your prescription drugs.
  • Complications during labor — Brachial palsy, cephalohematoma, fractures, paralysis, forceps injuries, spinal cord injury or head trauma may occur during prolonged labor. To prevent injury to your baby, your obstetrician should advise you when a Cesarean section is a safer delivery method than vaginal delivery

Schedule a free consultation with today to learn how we can help you recover compensation for the birth injury you or your baby suffered

To learn more about your right to compensation for birth injury to you or your baby, call the Guirl Law Firm on our 24-hour toll-free hotline 314-391-2585 or contact us online to schedule your free initial consultation.


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